Saturday, February 24, 2007

Why Not Mozart?

Why doesn't everyone listen to classical music?

O.K. Yes, that was a rhetorical question but still the point remains.

Everyone loves classical music even if they do not know it. The old cartoons are filled with the sounds of famous operas and Johann Strauss's waltzes. Everyone can whistle the tune from the "Beef: That's what's for dinner" commercials which is a cutting from Copland's ballet Rodeo. My brother who isn't fond of classical music absolutely loves O Fortuna from Orff's Carmina Burana.

My guess for why a large group of people do not choose to listen to classical music is because there is a vast selection of noise out there that just pacifies the brain. Beethoven captures human emotion. Britney Spears has breasts. German Lieder expresses anguish of lost love. Popular rappers speak of their "bitches" whom they want to "ride like their jeep".

I'm not saying that pop and rap are not forms of aural entertainment, in fact, some selections are quite enjoyable, but I just have a hard time believing that this stuff is art.

Turn on MPR or your local classical station and listen to the music for five minutes. What is it saying? What emotions does it resonate with?

And for all of you who already listen to/perform/enjoy classical music, good for you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm writing a book about appreciating CM(called "Nice Noise" strangely enough) which I've started to put on the net...

It deals with alot of the issues you raise, but heads towards different conclusions.

I agree it's odd more people don't enjoy classical music, but I don't think they're being pacified by other noise (however you define Snoop Dogg or Green day, soporific is hardly the first word that springs to mind).

Rather I think people are scared off by a perceived feeling of elitism within CM...the sort of ring-fencing that can happen labelling one thing 'art' and not another.

I sympathise with your feelings, but wonder if your conclusions perhaps constitute part of the problem as much as explain it.

I'm certianly not accusing you of being a snob or anything (I actually like and recognise the fresh and honest way you discuss this stuff). This is about many issues, not least the insecurity and prejudice on the non-CM side, not to mention the unbelievable depths that CM can take the CM lover. Most of this concerns unconscious feelings or preconceptions. Some idiots do exist, on both sides of the fence, but not many. To be honest I'd rather just try to tear down the fence itself.

I'd be really interested to know what you or anybody else thinks about the site (it's early days)
